Call to Artists: Annual Juried Membership Show 2019





Creative Arts Center of Dallas is now accepting submissions for our 2019 Annual Juried Membership Exhibition. In this juried exhibition our panel will be looking for the most exceptional of member work in all mediums. CAC members are invited to submit up to three images of original 2D or 3D artworks created within the last two years for consideration. 

For further information, please contact John Oakley at or via phone (214) 320-1275.

Submission Deadline: Monday, July 1st  
Opening Reception: Saturday, August 3rd 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Mary Tomás, Mary Tomás Gallery
Ken Villalovos, Publisher at Arts+Culture Magazine 
Liz Trosper, Artist and Educator

ELIGIBILITY: All persons with memberships valid through June 30th 2019 are eligible to submit artwork. Entrants must be or become members of the Creative Arts Center of Dallas before submission. Entrants may become a member or renew current membership online (, via phone, or in person. A One (1) Year Individual Membership is $45 or $35 for Seniors and $30 for Educators, Students and Veterans. 

ENTRY FEES: The entry fee is $45 for a maximum of three images per artist. This includes either three images detailing one piece of artwork, or three images of three different artworks. Entry fees must be paid online or by check no later than Monday, July 1st.

SUBMISSION CRITERIAWork that does not comply with these requirements will not be accepted. CAC will not refund any membership or entry fees to those who have not complied with the submission guidelines.

1. Artwork submitted must be original works of art. 
2. Artwork must have been produced within 24 months prior to the exhibition.
3. Artwork must not have been previously shown in any CAC related exhibitions. 


1. Create a CaFÉ™ profile. (
2. Upload work samples into your CaFÉ™ Portfolio.
When your work samples are uploaded, they will be available for you to include in your applications. Your portfolio can store image files with the following requirements:

·         File format: JPEG only
·         File dimensions: No smaller than 1920 pixels on the longest side
·         File resolution: 72 ppi/dpi (standard web resolution)
·         File size: 5 MB maximum

3. Apply to call and pay entry fee (or mail check to CAC office) before deadline. 

***No late entries will be considered. Applications/Images will not be accepted in person.

NOTIFICATION: Artists will be notified via email no later than Tuesday, July 17th if their artwork has been accepted into the exhibition.

DROP-OFF: Accepted artwork(s) are to be delivered to Mary Tomás Gallery (1110 Dragon St., Dallas, Texas 75207,(214) 727-5101) Wednesday, July 24th, Thursday, July 25th & Friday, July 26th between 11 am – 4:00 pm, no exceptions will be made for late work. All accepted artworks must be labeled at the time of drop-off and ready to hang or install properly. Please see the following:

1. Label artwork on front and back (with a piece of paper) with artist first and last name, title, medium, dimensions, year produced, price.  (Also, indicate the top of image if necessary for 2D works.)
2. Artwork must be exhibition ready with securely attached Wire or D-rings. No alligator or triangle hooks will be accepted.   
3. Artwork requiring special installation or utensils must be provided by the artist.

LIABILITY: The Creative Arts Center of Dallas, Mary Tomás Gallery, and agents will not be responsible for loss or damage to any works. The CAC reserves the right to reproduce images of artwork in the 2019 Annual Membership Exhibition on the CAC website, Mary Tomás Gallery website and in any Membership Exhibition advertising or collateral associated with the CAC. Each artist is encouraged to secure personal insurance for the duration of the exhibition. Submission of artwork to the exhibit indicates acceptance of conditions stated above. 

SALE: The gallery retains a 30% commission on all artwork sold during the exhibition. Please price your work accordingly. Do not submit any work you do not wish to sell; works labeled ‘Not For Sale’ will not be accepted.

PICK-UP: Artworks may be picked up from Mary Tomás Gallery Monday, August 26th and Tuesday, August 27th from 11 am – 4 pm.  NO EXCEPTIONS. A $25 storage fee per day will be charged to the artist for artwork retrieved after September 1st. The piece will become property of Mary Tomás Gallery after 30 days.


May 15th – July 1st: Submission of artwork 

July 17th: Accepted artists notified

July 24th-26th: Artists drop-off artwork to Mary Tomás Gallery, 11 am – 4 pm

August 3rd: Opening Reception from 5:30 – 8:30 pm

August 24th: Exhibition Ends at Mary Tomás Gallery

August 26th & 27th: Pick up artwork at Mary Tomás Gallery, 11 am – 4 pm


Cassandra Black
Anthony Bruce
Luke Cisneros
Beverly Dennis
Cathy Drennan
Julie England
Emily Goodrum
Anne Gunther
David Heil
Deepa Koshaley
Vikki Martin
Donald Matheson
Rachelle Moore
Kelly Morris
Timothy O’Brian
Randy Padorr-Black
Leon Robertson
Anastacia Sadeh
Sharon O’Callaghan
Crimson Schults
Elizabeth Spangler
Susan Swaim
Maria Villanueva
Ann Alford
Lynn Armstrong
Elizabeth Bentley
Ariel Bowman
Jean Cofer
Patty Kreider
Cynthia Pater
Linda Rector
Maria Ruenes
Elise Techentine
Kat Warwick
Stephen Weinberg